The Helping Hand
Unlike her Bombay counterparts, Yellamma doesn’t worry too much about job descriptions. Her paradigm is different. She offers head massages to all my mother’s visitors, some of whom accept and tip well. After my initial splutter at this, I thought she had managed what retailers in malls struggle to do – monetise footfall! She offered me an oil massage too, and suggested moving into a room at the far end of the house to relax better. I thought happily about a conversation that I had with the chairman of an MNC making premium beauty products, who said that they had to recalibrate their notion of luxury and pampering for India; customized massages to home are available only to the very affluent in America, but easily accessible to middle-class India. My happiness was rudely interrupted by Yellamma using the opportunity to tell me to recommend a salary raise for her, in […]